To support MIT's exceptionalism.MIT is the preeminent STEM university in the world. MIT is a unique institution of excellence in science and engineering education and research. Its previous culture of supporting wide ranging, unrestrained, spirited and respectful debate on its campus has been a key part of MIT’s success and exceptionalism. The most important reason to join the MIT Free Speech Alliance is to demonstrate support for the values of free expression, diversity of perspective and academic freedom that have made MIT great.
To defeat cancel culture and speech suppression. Do you believe that those with different opinions from you have a right to speak? Are you increasingly alarmed, as are people from all over the political spectrum, about campus cancellations for speakers with divergent views, let alone disagreeable ones? If so, join us and let's beat back the cancel mob. We have won already, and we can continue to win.
To support a noble cause. We are at the forefront of defending freedom of expression, viewpoint diversity and academic freedom for all of the MIT community. With your membership and input, we will grow stronger and win administrative and social action. MFSA was involved in MIT's own Statement on Freedom of Expression, adopted in December 2022. This was a victory for free speech, but the job is far from finished.
To find community. There is ample evidence that a large number of faculty, students and staff at MIT censor themselves from expressing their ideas for fear of retaliation by the MIT administration. If you practice daily self-censorship, MFSA assures you that you are not alone, not isolated, and not undefended. We are over a thousand members strong and we will work together to defend the freedom to express our viewpoints. All for one and one for all!
To join a network of alumni. MFSA was established by a large group of concerned MIT alumni. Its membership is dominated by alumni as well! If you're a student, you not only gain access to a large network of alumni and their wisdom and experience, but also strength in numbers—comfort that those who share the same principles as you do exist 'out there', and are more numerous than you thought!
To actualize your visions and goals. MFSA has committees which work towards the championing free speech through different initiatives, e.g. Students for Open Inquiry, geared towards undergrads and grad students. By joining, others will work together with you to hear your plans and bring your ideas to reality.
When you join MFSA, you also get:
Access to a special members-only section of the MFSA website with additional resources for members.
A subscription to MFSA's regular newsletters and other exclusive communications. One of our most important activities is spreading the word on what we've accomplished and how we carry forward. You'll understand where we stand and what you can do to help.
Invitations to attend and participate in MFSA's quarterly all-hands meetings and hear from special guest speakers. We are member-driven, and everyone is encouraged to voice opinions and ideas. You'll meet people who have been fighting on the frontlines for free speech and interact with them.
Preferred access to MFSA events, including debates, lectures, and conferences. Our year is filled with diverse events. If you're a MFSA member, should capacity be limited, you'll be given priority.
The MIT Free Speech Alliance is independent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.