Other University Recommendations

Other Recommendations to Promote Free Speech at Universities

Other universities are also wrestling with how to restore the values erosion of free speech, viewpoint diversity and academic freedom to their own communities. MFSA presents other examples of recommendations for improving the free speech culture at universities.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) provides a high level set of recommendations  for campus leaders to return to first principles and re-establish their institutions as communities devoted to the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge.

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) provides a Gold Standard for Freedom of Expression that lists actions universities should take to build a culture of free expression on campus.

The Cornell Free Speech Alliance, a counterpart organization to MFSA, has published a detailed list of specific recommendations to improve support for free speech, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at Cornell University. Their recommendations are summarized on their website.

Professor Steven Pinker of Harvard University published an editorial (locked behind paywall) in the Boston Globe in which he proposed a five point plan to save Harvard from itself. While targeted specifically at Harvard, his recommendations apply to most universities. An accessible summary of Pinker's recommendations can be found here.